portfolio the misunderstood

the misunderstood Some animals are considered “ugly”, others “mean” or even “cruel”. We often forget that these are human constructs. We use them on the basis of appearances or behaviours that we do not understand or to which we ascribe a negative meaning. In reality, however, all living things have unique characteristics and play important […]

portfolio free as a bird

free as a bird When I started my journey in wildlife photography, I had little interest in birds. But I soon realised there was a whole world of feathers out there waiting to be discovered. Birds in their fascinating diversity often provide a welcome distraction while waiting. And they are a delight not only to […]

portfolio quiet moments

quiet moments Action shots are only one small part of wildlife photography. Between the brief splashes of drama, lie many quiet hours of waiting and observing. These moments contain a tranquility and a powerful sense of peace. The calm before the storm has its own unique beauty.

portfolio personality

personality Each of us has a unique personality. And my experience in the wild has convinced me that the same applies to most wildlife. Again and again I have encountered creatures with a lively sparkle in their eyes and faces full of vivid expressiveness. Some animals display active curiosity, while others are clearly more wary. […]

portfolio just a bit of fun

just a bit of fun Life in the wild is so much richer than merely a struggle for survival. There are moments of fun and moments of joy. How can anyone say that animals do not experience emotions?

portfolio gentle giants

gentle giants Nothing compares to the majesty of the world’s largest land animal, the elephant. Living together in complex social groups, led by the oldest and most experienced females, elephants are among the most fascinating animals on the planet. They are powerful enough to uproot trees, yet gentle enough to capture my heart.

portfolio cat-titude

cat.titude Cats have been part of my life since I was 6 years old. In fact, I could hardly imagine a life without them. Many a winter evening has been cosily spent by the fireplace, quietly reading while a furry friend lay curled up, purring on my lap. While I appreciate their company, I also […]

portfolio born up a tree

born up a tree I like to think that the African expression, “born up a tree” conveys a message of connectedness to nature, branching out above, while deeply rooted below. There’s so much to observe, just above our heads.

portfolio black & white

black & white The absence of colour lends a timeless quality to photographs, as well as a certain elegance and drama. Shapes, contrasts and textures are accentuated. This draws the viewer’s attention to the essence of the image and enhances emotion.

Tanzania | Mahale Mountain NP | 2018

Chimpanzee | Mahale Mountains National Park | Tanzania

Deep in the wild green heart of Africa The forest of Mahale is so dense that we can barely glimpse the sky through the green canopy. The air is humid and the trail is steep. This is the home of wild chimpanzees. How deep into this forest must we venture in order to find them? […]

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