… and explore the Pantanal, the largest freshwater wetland in the world

I must admit, I did not know much about this incredible ecosystem until I began planning this journey. As a cat enthusiast, my primary goal was to finally observe and photograph jaguars in the wild. However, I soon realized that there was so much more to discover. Nestled in the heart of South America, a pristine tropical biodiversity hotspot awaited our exploration.

Check out the comic book version of our journey made by the „Expedition Cartoonist“ CrazyDavid



During the initial week, we stayed in the southern region of the Pantanal at an eco lodge called Casa Caiman, which is dedicated to remarkable conservation efforts. The passion of the individuals working there and their commitment to preserving nature and wildlife left me in awe.


Our journey then took us to the northern Pantanal where we were able to track jaguars by boat, in the “Meeting of the Waters” State Park. Unforgettable memories were created by the breathtaking nature, diverse wildlife and, last but not least, the amazing people we met along the way. Some of them have become dear friends.

Below, you’ll find a selection of my favourite shots captured during this journey, along with some behind-the-scenes snapshots. I hope you enjoy them.

Below, you’ll find some behind-the-scenes snapshots.

I hope you enjoy them.

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